ETP or Effluent Treatment Plant is a facility which monitors the imbalance in the bacterial ecosystem of a centralized waste water System and treats the effluents accordingly. Effluent treatment is necessary to regulate the amount of waste that is let out by a residential or industrial unit into the local water bodies, which ultimately affects the residents living nearby and disturbing the ecosystem in general, also in cases of out of control situations while treating the sewage bodies. Talking about this in broader terms, it is a plant which also has to deal with situations or emergencies that may arise or events that might require swift prompt coordination of actions , with the objective of protecting the health and safety of residents in a locality or community, to limit the damage of property or the whole environment due to the imbalance in the effluent treatment process in general.

Sewage treatment plants(STP) these days are required to implement and maintain local Emergency Management Plans (EMP) that usually are designed to deal with a wide range of emergencies and responses caused to the sewage treatment process or ecosystem in events of floods, severe weather, power outages or local community infrastructure failures. ETPs and STPs are hence subject to emergency response planning, that are related to waste water systems that are on reserve.
ETP & STPs need to maintain and document high quality of information with accurate statistics about bacterial cultures, their cultivation or parameters and limits of disturbances in the bacterial ecosystems in a particular water sewage body. In case of any imbalance situations, there might arise a need to monitor and retain the bacterial balance in that system.
The ETP & STPs need to comply with these plans and standards to constantly monitor the concentration of bacteria that are prominent characteristics of an efficient plant. This makes it even more important to make sure that the culture is balanced. But nowadays, there is a lot of situations arising in treatment plants where this balance is lapsed and hence the concentration of the bad bacterial culture is on the rise, eventually causing the percentage of odour emitting bacteria to be higher than the good bacteria.
This leads to a persistence in foul odour over the treatment plans which is bound to spread in the neighborhood for long distances, affecting the health of the environment and the harmony of a community.
This led us at EcolAgro to develop a different peculiar form of ETP STP odour removal culture, after extensive and exhaustive research and testing in various environments under varied parameters, in resemblance to real life imbalance situations. After testing in various environments, our odour controlling culture showed promising results on a nominal scale and the containment of the odour turned out to be very successful.
Our stp odor removal system bacterial culture has been experimented and targeted toward elimination of the imbalance in the environment of the sewage treatment plant, to equalize the proportion of the odour causing bacteria and containment of the environment that has been disturbed. The composition of this bacterial culture has been closely monitored in parameterized fragments so that it could be deployed on a larger scale, on fully functioning treatment plans, effluent releasing bodies that may be residential units, industrial units and so on and so forth.
ETP STP odour removal chemical were previously looked up to as a temporary solution for containing the toxic odour emitted by the treatment plants or emitting sources, but we have managed to implement this bacterial culture as an significant sewage treatment chemical, letting it into the high performing sewage treatment plants.
This bacterial culture has been developed to to handle the odour related issues at a more exhausting level, trying to eliminate the source of the odour causing bacterial imbalance in the plant at the roots, at the primary level. The motivation we needed was the picture of odour control, being previously regarded as just an afterthought, which we saw an opportunity as implementing it and integrating it into one of the primary design considerations.
With this ETP STP odour removal culture, we aim at providing an exhaustive solution for odour control and as a bigger picture, focusing on the environmental damage that is caused in the processing of sewage, giving the treatment bodies a new alternative, one that is now needed more than ever with this odour balancing bacterial culture.