For Waste Water treatment we are manufacturing world grade Microbial Culture’’EcoMaster’’ and have three mes more efficiency than any other chemicals and products in the markets. This Product is used in ETP/STP, Waste Water Treatment and to remove odour completely.
EcoMaster: It is specially formulated to neutralize odours , cut-through built-up dirt and grime, break-up and emulsify sludge and solids, and smulate bacterial acon and waste decomposion in a range of situaons such as effluent treatment plants, SWP, STP, Lagoons, Drainage, Ponds etc
For Waste Water treatment we are manufacturing world grade Microbial Culture’’EcoMaster’’ and have three mes more efficiency than any other chemicals and products in the markets. This Product is used in ETP/STP, Waste Water Treatment and to remove odour completely.
EcoMaster: It is specially formulated to neutralize odours , cut-through built-up dirt and grime, break up and emulsify sludge and solids, and smulate bacterial acon and waste decomposion in a range of situaons such as effluent treatment plants, SWP, STP, Lagoons, Drainage, Ponds etc.
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